FTMO Services

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Start Making Monthly Earnings using Funded Accounts

You can Start making Monthly Earning for Yourself almost within two Months and for that You don’t have to invest time in Learning All Forex Trading.

You don’t have to be available to Trade and Earn.

No Trading Skill is Compulsory with PS plans.

You can work on other Income Sources or Businesses.

You can Enjoy Your Time Fully with Family and Friends.


We will Select 10 People from "PS Funded Account Mgmt" Telegram Group who are willing to Pass FTMO Challenge Stage ⬆️ FREE ⬆️

What's Your 🔒

Clearing Funded Account Tests Procedures.

We have 🔓's 🔑

We Demonstrated Passing Solution & Results.

What You have to Do ?

The project management teams here at WeDevs will ensure that you have a smooth and pleasant experience with a high-fidelity delivery. Our team will work on your project with complete dedication starting the moment you contact us through our app.

Next Action After Passing FTMO Challenge Stage

Part 1

Flat $119 before Verification

Part 2

Refund Fee when received from FTMO

What You Get After these Stages ?

Your Problem's Lock 🔒 is now Unlocked 🔓

You now have Your own Funded Account to Trade

You must Keep in mind Forex Trading is a Risky Business and to make Profits money can be loss too so enter with Money that You can Afford to Loose.