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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, FTMO is Legit Company and many Traders from many different Countries are making Good Income through FTMO Funded Accounts.

The Fee keeps on Changing as it Depends on Conversion Rates and FTMO Charges. You can find the Challenge Charges on FTMO Website.
Use below Link to Open FTMO and Check for the Charges:

No, We will Work on Challenge Round Free in Giveaway Accounts. Before Verification Stage Part 1 Subscription Fee is to Be Paid to Start work on verification Round. Normally the Fee is to be Paid in Advance except in Giveaway Accounts where we Declare the rules with Instructions.

Yes, You have Your FTMO Login Credentials to check Anytime. We suggest You should not use Trader Password but use Investor Password for Monitoring. You can Observe and Manage through FTMO Website also.

 User will be getting a Certificate from FTMO stating that You are FTMO Trader. You will get a Real Account to Trade and make Benefits from Good and Profitable Trading under the mentioned Rules.

Trading on FTMO Funded Account can give Good Profits to Trader if he obliges the Rules and makes Profit. Challenge and Verification targets are 10% and 5% respectively. Any Amount of Profit made in Real Account will be Split between Trader and FTMO in 80% and 20% respective ratio initially.

Once a Trader makes Total Profit above 10% in 4 Months (at least) from a Real Account, the Account is eligible to scaled up to 25%. Every 4 Months Account can be scaled by 25% if trader makes above 10% Profits. If after 5 Months Trader makes 10% total profits, then he can raise request for Scaling Account. Similarly If Trader Completed 10% in First month only still he has to wait for 3 more Months making Account in Profits to request Scaling after completing total 4 Months.

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